
The Who

5/09/2011 03:37:00 PM

"Who are you?"
"I don't even know how I am."
"A name, perhaps?"
"Is it all about name? Our names for who we are? That's it?"
"So that's what happens to those who are in the list of Federal Witnesses Program? They were in wrong time and wrong place, then their life changed forever, they became exiles of their own realities; then the Federal gave them new names, and.. Bang! That's how they created new answers for every recent 'Who are you' questions. Is it?"
"Ngg.. No."
"So? What do you want me to answer?"
"Well, let me change the question. What's your name?"
"Is it enough?"
"Well, look. If you don't want me to know your name, just tell me something about you."
"To know who I am?"
"Ngg.. Yes?"
"To determine who I am?"
"Oh, please."
"What? Tell me what's the urgency of knowing my name?"
"As important as taking a very first step on the bridge to nowhere-land."
"Are you trying to reach me?"
"Reach your life."
"For what?"
"What's so wrong of the will to take part of somebody's life?"
"My life, pardon."
"Okay. Your life. If you think that your life means consist of you only, Ma'am, I wonder where have you been living this far."
"Would you please leave me?"
"Have you ever hated your past too much that you want it to be deleted; you wish you could push the 'Reset' button, but the circumstance is so in a rush and you have no enough time to at least build the new 'you'?"
"Are you listening?"
"I am listening. I'm just thinking."
"So you haven't?"
"You haven't."
"I have."
"Oh" *gasp*
"For several times."
"I'm sorry. I thought I was the one."
"No one is ever be the one in this world. Trust me. We're just lonely."
"And apologize for my question."
"What question? My name? No worries. I just can't remember my name, as bad as I can't remember my past, or what happened right before I woke up in this room."
"No, but the 'Who are you' question. I can't even recognize who I am anymore."
"We are all nobody in this world."
"Within 5 billions strangers out there? How lonely man-kind is."
"What man-kind?"
"Yes. Us."

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